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Game Ghaib

Game Ghaib APK 1.3.2 (Indonesia Version, Free Android Game)

Jan 24, 2024

Game Ghaib APK is an Android game merging horror and Quranic recitation in a mystical realm, with educational puzzles, character growth, and social interaction.

Name Game Ghaib
Updated 2024-01-24
Compatible with 5.1 and up
Last version 1.3.2
Size 1 GB
MOD Indonesia Version, Free Android Game
Category Role Playing
Developer ZumatCliwon Studio
Price Free
Google Play Link
Game Ghaib

Game Ghaib APK is a unique Android experience, that seamlessly blends horror with Quranic recitation. While overcoming obstacles in a magical world, players develop their religious knowledge and bravery. Social features and continuous updates make it more than a game - it's a fusion of fear and faith.

Game Ghaib APK

Overview of Game Ghaib APK

Welcome to the world of Game Ghaib, a unique and captivating Android game that seamlessly combines elements of horror with the enlightening activity of Quranic recitation. In this exciting game, the main character gets stuck in a magical world because they found a strange old book. To learn the mysteries of the book and, in the end, find a way out of the ethereal world, players must overcome obstacles and work puzzles.

It is not your average mobile game; it's an innovative blend of fear and faith. An overarching plot that centers on an individual imprisoned in a supernatural realm will be encountered by players as they explore this ethereal universe. The Qur’an is a central theme in this horror game of horror themes. Throughout the game, players try to unravel the mystery of an ancient scroll.

Attractive Features of Game Ghaib APK Latest Version

Horror Atmosphere and Graphic Design

The game's atmosphere is stunning, characterized by a dark and mysterious ambiance. Players are entirely submerged in a world full of mysteries, suspense, and otherworldly wonders thanks to the captivating sound effects and graphic design. It's an auditory-visual feast that amplifies both the terror and the Quranic experience at the same time.

Challenges and Religious Education

Each challenge in Game Ghaib Android is carefully crafted to go beyond typical horror elements. In addition to surviving supernatural encounters, players are tasked with Quranic recitation activities. The religious aspects of the game are revealed to players upon doing tasks such as reciting holy texts and answering questions about religion. It creates an environment conducive to learning.

Character Development

As players progress, they have the opportunity to develop their in-game character. Along with facing supernatural perils, this growth involves learning about religion and developing bravery. Thus, players undergo a holistic gaming experience where spiritual growth complements their ability to face horror elements.

Download Game Ghaib

Moral Messages and Educational Values

Game Ghaib Mengaji isn't just about entertainment; it delivers moral messages and religious educational values. The three most important things to have while conquering obstacles in the game are courage, patience, and religious knowledge.
Adding value to the game makes the experience more meaningful and goes beyond just being entertaining.

Social Interaction and Community

In an era where social interaction through games is on the rise, Game Ghaib steps up by providing interactive features. Gamers may build groups within the game, cooperate or compete with others, and exchange religious information. Players may help one other out and share their religious experiences thanks to this social dimension.

Continued Development and Updates

The journey doesn't end with the initial release. The developers of the Game Ghaib APK Indonesia Version commit to regular updates, introducing new content, additional levels, and more complex challenges. This not only caters to existing players but also attracts newcomers to embark on the supernatural adventure of Quranic recitation.

Player Feedback and Rewards

An intriguing aspect of Game Ghaib is the involvement of players in the game development process. The game stays relevant and of high quality by taking user comments into account and applying them to future releases. The success of this exceptional gaming experience might be further validated if favorable impressions result in industry awards or recognition from the gaming community.

Game Ghaib Android

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Unique Mix of Horror and Religion: It provides an exceptional blend of horror and Quranic recitation, offering a distinctive gaming experience.
  • Educational Value in Quranic Tasks: Engaging in Quranic recitation tasks adds an educational layer, making it more than a typical mobile game.
  • Social Interaction and Community: Enhancing the entire game experience, it encourages social interaction among players by enabling them to cooperate, compete, and form communities.


  • Limited Appeal for Some Preferences: It might not resonate with those uninterested in either horror or religious themes, limiting its potential audience.
  • Potential for Repetition: There's a chance of encountering repetitive challenges as players progress, potentially leading to monotony.
  • May Not Suit Traditional Gaming Tastes: For those seeking traditional gaming experiences, it may not align with expectations due to its distinctive blend of horror and religious elements.

Instructions for Game Ghaib APK Free Download from

Curious to embark on this unique gaming adventure? Follow these simple steps to Download Game Ghaib from this website:

  • Visit on your browser.
  • Search for "Game Ghaib APK" to locate the dedicated article.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  • Find the "Download Now" button and click on it.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions for a hassle-free download to your Android device.

Game Ghaib Mengaji


Game Ghaib APK is a unique Android gaming experience that breaks the norm of traditional games. A unique and fascinating experience is this wonderful play where fear is mixed with words from the Qur’an. Besides providing moral principles and character development, the game has an interesting tone. Its intellectual design, social aspects, and commitment to development make it more than just a game - rather, it is a combination of trust, fear, and community For those seeking an extraordinary gaming adventure, Download Game Ghaib APK for Android from, ready to offer an unparalleled combination of entertainment and enlightenment. Embark on this supernatural voyage, where the unknown meets the sacred, and experience the magic of Game Ghaib.

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